We promote inclusion and believe that all children and youth with disabilities can be educated in the general education environment alongside nondisabled peers. All students with and without disabilities can engage in learning and benefit from meaningful instruction, have friends and be full members of their school communities.
The Division of Special Education offers a variety of resources for districts implementing programs for students with varying abilities. Our department values all learners, infants to adult transition, and works through a lens of access, equity and inclusion. See our Resources section below and learn more about the different types of support available to you and your teams.
The LACOE Special Education Resource Lead (SERL) EmbraceAbilities grant team is honored to partner with CDE and CCEE. Our goal is to build capacity by providing supports for systemic, continuous improvement to County Offices of Education (COE) and Local Educational Agencies (LEA) for the inclusion of students with the most significant support needs.

The LACOE Special Education Resource Lead (SERL) EmbraceAbilities grant team is honored to partner with CDE and CCEE. Our goal is to build capacity by providing supports for systemic, continuous improvement to County Offices of Education (COE) and Local Educational Agencies (LEA) for the inclusion of students with the most significant support needs.
Embedded Instruction for Early Learning (EIEL)
Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program (IEEEP)
The LACOE Vision Services Unit offers a full range of vision services from contracts for Teachers of the Visually Impaired and Braille Translations. Contact Nic Frank at (562) 922-6895 or frank_nic@lacoe.edu for all your VI needs.
Join us for Special Education Directors Collaborative meetings and stay up to date on legislative issues, current research and best practices. All meetings allow participants to build connections that strengthen our amazing special education community in the County and beyond.
Sign up here to receive the Division of Special Education's monthly newsletter, Spotlight on Access.
Spotlight on Access Vol. 01, No. 01
Spotlight on Access Vol. 01, No. 02
Spotlight on Access Vol. 01, No. 03
Spotlight on Access Vol. 01, No. 04
Spotlight on Access Vol. 01, No. 05
Spotlight on Access Vol. 01, No. 06
Our team has experienced staff ready to tackle any issue related to special education and the IEP process. Services including: consultation, data interpretation, program planning and staff trainings on everything from Alternative Dispute Resolution to Writing a Legally Defensible IEP. Whatever your needs, contact our team today, for a student-centered solution.
Are you ready to move your program, school or district to an inclusive model? Research shows inclusion for all students, regardless of disability, is a benefit for everyone. We have a range of services wherever you are on the inclusion spectrum.
As classrooms move towards more inclusive practices, general education teachers can be supported by becoming proficient in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and foundational literacy. We can connect your team to the right resources and training.
Additionally LACOE has compiled several resources to support inclusive early childhood education (Inclusive ECE) expansion. Learn more about this ongoing work.
Division of Special Education Calendar of Events
AB1172 (Required for NPS staff) Winter/Spring 2025 Training Schedule
SELPAs ensure that educational programs and services are provided to meet the needs of students with disabilities. A SELPA may include one school district or multiple districts, which are organized by geographic region and pool resources to provide for all the special education service needs of students residing within the region.
LACOE operates its own SELPA to serve students with disabilities in its Juvenile Court Schools, Alternative Education programs, International Polytechnic (iPoly) High School, the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts and certain charter schools.
Other SELPAs in Los Angeles County
LACOE maintains Juvenile Court and Community Schools (JCCS) inactive student records at one location for the purpose of filing transcript and records requests, monitoring and maintaining inactive stored files. In addition, LACOE-authored Charters (ONLY) that have closed have sent their records to LACOE for storage.
Review guidelines for requesting LACOE student records
Division of Special Education
(562) 803-8300
Jovan Jacobs, Ed.D.
Director II
Tristin Eros
Division Secretary
Karen Voigt
Administrative Assistant