The education landscape is constantly evolving, staying ahead of the trends is essential. Welcome to “Ed Buzz LA County”, the show that explores the groundbreaking initiatives, inspiring stories and innovative practices that are shaping the future of learning right here in Southern California.

Assembly Bill 2085 brings significant changes to how child neglect is defined and reported in California. There are implications for mandated reporters, especially educators, who are the second highest reporters in the LA County and the entire state. Understanding these changes is crucial for educators in their role as mandated reporters. In this episode of Ed Buzz, Dr. Debra Duardo and Brandon Nichols, Director of the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, talks about why it was necessary to transform the mandated reporting process.

Career Technical Education (CTE) programs play a crucial role in preparing students for success in today's dynamic job market, offering them diverse career options, and fostering a more well-rounded educational experience. CTE programs offer a unique blend of academic learning and real-world skills, giving students the knowledge and experience they need to succeed in their chosen field. In this episode, Reina Flores-Hansen explains the benefits of CTE.

Episode 10: The Greater Los Angeles Education Foundation

The Greater Los Angeles Education Foundation plays a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of education and enriching the learning experiences of our students. As a bridge between the community and our schools, the foundation serves as a catalyst for innovation, opportunity, and growth. Through strategic partnerships and fundraising initiatives, Kerry Franco explains how the foundation provides vital support to our district's educational programs, initiatives, and resources.

Episode 9: New Arts Funding For Schools?

The Arts has been on the chopping block for years, but now California schools can hire new music and arts teachers, purchase supplies and provide professional development opportunities thanks to Prop 28. In this Ed Buzz LA County episode, Jeannine Flores shares the different arts programs that the funding covers, which districts are ahead of the curve when it comes to implementing arts programs and how schools can use the funding to build a teacher pipeline.

Episode 8: Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness

As of June 2023, over 58,000 students have been identified as homeless across the 80 public school districts and more than 300 charter schools in Los Angeles County. On this episode of Ed Buzz, Dr. Jennifer Kottke, LACOE’s Homeless Education Project Director, talks about how schools can provide assistance to unhoused children under the McKinney-Vento Education Act and the resources available to them.

Episode 7: Inglewood USD's Local Control Update

LACOE and Inglewood Unified School District are working together to help the district achieve its goals of long-term stability and local control. In this episode, Dr. Debra Duardo and Dr. James Morris, County Administrator for IUSD, talks about the progress and challenges in the plan to end the state receivership, and exciting things happening at IUSD.

Episode 6: Esports on the Rise

Esports programs are expanding, with school districts setting up their own programs nationwide. In this episode, Dr. Chris Hoang, LACOE’s Interim Assistant Director of Technology Innovation and Outreach, and Alvaro Brito, STEAM Administrator with the Compton Unified School District, discuss how playing video games can help build skills for future careers and how it affects socio-emotional learning.

Episode 5: We Are LACOE

As the nation's largest regional education agency, the Los Angeles County Office of Education supports local school districts with services that are necessary for their operations. In this episode of Ed Buzz, Dr. Debra Duardo explains more about the primary functions of LACOE.

Episode 4: Supporting Vulnerable Student Populations

LACOE serves the county’s most vulnerable student populations including those who have been expelled, as well as justice involved students who are incarcerated or are on probation. When students are kicked out of school, parents' priorities shift to the court proceedings aspects of their youth’s life. However, the students’ education must continue. In this episode, Jael Ovalle shares how the Parent and Family Education and Consultation Program can help support parents, so they in turn can support their teens.

Episode 3: Helping Multilingual Learners Thrive

LA County is home to a large, diverse population of multi-lingual learners. More than 45% of public-school students in LA County speak another language besides English. In this episode of Ed Buzz LA County, we speak with Dr. Soomin Chao about how providing social and emotional learning support can help multilingual learners thrive in the classroom.

Episode 2: Bridging the Digital Divide

It is estimated that 416,000 households in LA County lack access to affordable, reliable broadband service, devices, and the skills to use them. From access to technology and connectivity to digital literacy, this “digital divide” impacts many underserved communities. On this episode of Ed Buzz LA County, Sonia Hooks, Assistant Director of Technology Services, talks about digital equity, and how to ensure all students have access to digital tools, resources, and opportunities.

Episode 1: AI in the Classroom

Machine learning technology like generative artificial intelligence is rapidly advancing. On this episode of Ed Buzz LA County, Jose Gonzalez, LACOE’s Chief Technology Officer, talks about some of the concerns of using AI tools like ChatGPT in the classroom, how teachers can integrate AI in educational settings to enhance teaching and learning, and the importance of preparing students for the future by equipping them with AI literacy.