Career Technical Education

Career Technical Education provides courses that integrate technical training and academics to help students develop the knowledge and skills needed for transitioning to career training, post-secondary education and the workforce. This educational philosophy balances academics with real-world problem solving and relevance in 15 high-employing industry sectors.

LACOE provides CTE-focused technical assistance; curriculum and professional development; and monitoring, documentation and reporting services to districts across Los Angeles county. The CTE program includes the CTE Model Curriculum Standards aligned with Common Core State Standards and Partnership for 21st Century Skills. Standards for Career Ready Practice describe workplace skills that are expected from graduating students.


College and Career Indicator

Designated Subjects Credentials 

CTE Funding

Dual Enrollment

Golden State Pathways Program

Meet the CTE Team

Pathways Curriculum

Professional Events

Suite of Tools Resources

Video Library

Work-Based Learning Directory

Professional Development & Technical Assistance

LACOE Career Technical Education (CTE) provides a range of targeted training and professional development to build upon capacity, knowledge, and skills needed for the implementation of the Key Elements of a High Quality CTE Programs.

In addition, we are available to provide technical assistance via email and telephone to provide support with questions relating to CTE. We also have an extensive webinar archive.

Conference Opportunity

Hosted by CALCP and CAROCP, the CTE Conference will be held on November 19-21, 2025 at the Omni Hotel in Rancho Mirage. Visit for more information




(562) 922-6850