The Mathematics Unit at the Los Angeles County Office of Education supports student achievement by cultivating the joy in mathematics through high quality professional development, coaching, consultation and technical assistance to Local Educational Agencies across Los Angeles County. We support student mathematics achievement by:
- Modeling active engagement through an assets based approach that focuses on culturally and personally relevant instruction
- Focusing our work on equitable access and opportunity so each and every Los Angeles County Student cultivates robust mathematical identities and become powerful doers of mathematics
- Providing educators opportunities to network and nurture their own mathematical identity to be facilitators of learning and advocates for students
Empowering Future Leaders: $500 Scholarship for Mathematics Students TODAY!
Are you a high school senior passionate about innovation in Mathematics fields?
Our scholarship offers financial support to help you achieve your dreams.
"Math is more than just a way to describe the world, and it is more than just a set of skills, like doing arithmetic or factoring a quadratic. Math is a deeply human enterprise that fulfills basic human longings, such as for beauty and truth, and when properly engaged, it builds virtues like persistence, creativity, and a competence to solve problems you've never seen before. These virtues will serve you well no matter what you do in life. The deep connection between mathematics and human desires show why people in every culture around the globe do mathematics, not just to build things and conduct commerce, but for enjoyment and exploration. An incarcerated man---now my friend---has helped me see this more clearly than ever before." - Francis Su
2024 - 2025 Math Field Day: April 26, 2025
We are thrilled to extend an enthusiastic invitation to participate in this year's Los Angeles County Math Field Day! With a commitment to excellence in mathematics education, we believe that our students will bring an unparalleled level of passion, talent, and sportsmanship to this esteemed competition.
DATE: Saturday April 26, 2025
LOCATION: San Gabriel High School
801 S Ramona St, San Gabriel, CA 91776
We hope to see you there!

We are looking forward to partnering with you!
Click on an icon below to see one of the many ways our team can support your work toward equitable math instruction:
Professional Learning Opportunities
Getting To Know the 2023 Mathematics Framework (Asynchronous Course)
Session Information:
This is a 5 module series designed for all educators and math enthusiasts interested in promoting dynamic and inquiry-driven approaches to
teaching mathematics. Participants will explore the Five Components of Equitable Math Instruction which include; Teaching to Big Ideas, Use Open Engaging Tasks, Cultural and Personally Relevance, Invite Student Questions and Conjectures, and Promote Raasoning and Justification. Educators will have opportunities to understand the research, reflect on the implications for their work, and plan for the use of these components in their classrooms and school sites.
More Information
Mathematical Mindsets
Session Information:
You will learn: - The differences between fixed and growth mindsets. - How to utilize Mathematical Mindsets as a focus for teaching mathematics. - Strategies to increase opportunities for students to feel confident in learning mathematics.
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Embracing Math Stories to Nurture Students ' Mathematical Identity & Sense of Belonging
Session Information:
Students and teachers sharing their math stories build community. It says to the student that their lived experiences are valid and their voice is valuable. Learn with us the power of unearthing positive mathematical identities using math stories.
Course Structure: Every Human Has a Math Story. What is YOUR Math Story? Reflection: A Teacher and Student's Math Stories Student Math Stories Pre & Post Sharing Math Stories Builds Community & Belonging
TARGET AUDIENCE: Course Structure: Every Human Has a Math Story. What is YOUR Math Story? Reflection: A Teacher and Student's Math Stories Student Math Stories Pre & Post Sharing Math Stories Builds Community & Belonging Asynchronous Virtual Learning: 2023 CA Mathematics Framework “The aim is to have students come to view mathematics as a subject that is about sense-making and reasoning, to which they can contribute and belong. To achieve this, teachers need to create more opportunities for students to engage in intriguing, deep tasks that honor their ideas and thinking and draw on their backgrounds, interests, and experiences.” Ch.2.Teaching for Equity and Engagement, pg. 45 Administrators, & anyone interested in inclusive education
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Robust Discourse IS Math Class: Using the Math Talk Which One Doesn’t Belong to Unearth Brilliance
Organizing for an Equitable and Joyful Mathematics Classroom Series
The Which One Doesn't Belong?/Which One is Unique? Math talk routine engages students in meaningful mathematical discussions and develops their ability to think flexibly and strategically. All choices are correct, which shifts the focus to justification and provides multiple entry points for all learner abilities. It isn’t about guessing the correct answer; it’s about expressing mathematical relationships precisely to build community with others, which elevates the importance of building upon peers’ ideas and valuing their thinking as much as their own. It conveys that math is about sense-making and that all students’ ideas and voices are valued.
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Equitable High School Mathematics Pathways
You Will:
- Understand the importance of a renewed focus on high school mathematics.
- Understand how the high school math pathways provide opportunities for increased student engagement in higher-level math courses.
- Know the two (2) different high school math pathways available to students, including alternative options for 3rd and 4th-year math courses.
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LACOE's STEM Math, Science, and EdTech & Innovation Units are collaborating with the Math, Science and Computer Science projects at CSUN and UCLA to offer professional development focused on enhancing inquiry-driven pedagogy in Math, Science, and Computer Science (MSCS) instruction, supported by the CAL MSCS Grant.
Please JOIN US in our FREE learning around Math, Science and Computer Science inquiry based instruction!
For Information please CLICK HERE!
Join Our Book Study: Rethinking Disability and Mathematics by Rachel Lambert
Why Join:
Understand the intersection of disability and mathematics education. Learn strategies to support diverse learners. Engage in meaningful discussions with peers. Earn knowledge and insight around deep research about disability and mathematics.
Book Highlights:
- Inclusive teaching practices
- Real-world classroom examples
- Research-based strategies
- Advocacy for equitable education
More Information
LACOE UPK Institute
"Transforming early education, one joyful learning experience at a time."
Exploring UTK Mathematics Instruction: Join us at the LACOE UPK Institute to discover strategies for integrating mathematics into Universal Pre-Kindergarten settings. This event will focus on innovative approaches such as identifying mathematics in children’s role-playing and exploring mathematics through literacy. Breakout sessions will be led by Danielle Moore, and topics will include:
(1) PTKLF-Math (2) Learning Centers with Provocations (3) Behavior Management (4) Inclusion Works
Event Dates: March 4, 2025, and June 3, 2025
Registration Details: See the attached flyer for more information.
Math Field Day Coordinator Workshop
This virtual workshop serves as an orientation to the Math Field Day Event for Local Educational Agencies' Team Coordinators and support personnel. Participants will understand the different types of Math Field Day tasks, scoring criteria, see a sample Math Field Day schedule and receive input from veteran Math Field Day Coordinators from throughout LA County.
Feb. 12, 2025 @ 3 pm:
Explore Mathematical Reasoning with Connections
🚀 Empower Your Future with Mathematics
Are you ready to build your students confidence in math and succeed in college-level courses? Mathematical Reasoning with Connections is designed to strengthen your mathematical skills, develop critical reasoning, and help you apply concepts to real-world scenarios. We look forward to seeing you there.
PD Dates & Registration:
1) Wednesday March 26, 2025 OR
Professional Organizations
Why should educators join a professional organization?
- Prioritization of Educator Growth
- Network With Fellow Members
- Access to Research
- Opportunities for Leadership Experiences
- Eligibility to Grants and Scholarships, Awards
Professional organizations you might consider:
Contact Us:

Elizabeth Keitz
Division Secretary

Christina Lincoln-Moore
Unit Lead Coordinator & Elementary Math Coordinator

Jessica Mejia
Secondary Math Coordinator