The Los Angeles County Office of Education is one of four recipients for the Educator Workforce Investment Grant for Effective Language Acquisition Programs. Four county offices have been identified as zone leads and will work together to coordinate professional development throughout the state of California.

LACOE has been awarded $2.5 million to collaborate with the Zone C Alliance partners, under the name of EPiCC Alliance Zone C. The other three recipients will represent EPiCC Alliance Zone A, Zone B, and Zone D.
EPICC County Office Zone Leads:
Zone A: Graciela Garcia-Torres - Sacramento County Office of Education
Zone B: Angelica Hurtado - San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools
Zone C: Soomin Chao, Ed.D. - Los Angeles County Office of Education
Zone D: Nicole Chavez, Ed.D. - Orange County Department of Education
EWIG/EPiCC Grant Goals:
Provide professional learning opportunities for early educators, teachers, paraprofessionals, school leaders, and school counselors in public schools
Align with the Statewide System of Support (SSOS) and Quality Professional Learning Standards to implement effective language acquisition programs for English learner (EL) students, which may include:
- Integrated language development within and across content areas
- Bilingual and biliterate proficiency, and
- Building and strengthening capacity to implement the EL Roadmap Policy across the state.
Visit the CDE website for more information.