Empowering students to make healthy decisions through preventative instruction, intervention, cessation, & reinforcement.
LACOE has successfully supported tobacco-use prevention throughout the region reaching districts and schools through ongoing professional developments and technical assistance that are conducted both face-to-face and via the web, depending on need.
With schools as a hub for resources for students, parents/guardians, and the larger community, addressing the health concerns of our education partners is ever more important now than ever before. Youth tobacco and vape-use is a health issue as much as it is a discipline issue.
We are ready to support your efforts in addressing this health crisis through a comprehensive approach using your current structures such as MTSS, PBIS, and restorative justice. We are here to provide guidance towards your collaborative efforts to support student success in school and in their community.
Learn more about the trainings on prevention curriculum, intervention and cessation strategies, and youth engagement structures are offered throughout the year.
CTA Tier 2 Grant
Through California Department of Education's County Technical Assistance (CTA) Tier 2 Grant we help implement prevention, intervention, and cessation services targeting students, school staff, family, and the greater community.
DOJ Grant
Through the Department of Justice (DOJ) Tobacco Grant we provide professional learning to School Resource Officers (SROs) and school staff to support districts and schools in order to facilitate the development of quality tobacco-use prevention, intervention, and enforcement strategies.
LACOE presents Stanford REACH Lab's MY Healthy Futures asynchronous self-paced course for students. The MY Healthy Futures: Nicotine and the MY Healthy Futures: Cannabis are Alternative-to-Suspension (ATS) programs geared for students who have been caught using nicotine products, vapes, cannabis and/or for any student who is interested in trying to reduce or quit use.
Learn more and how to implement by clicking on the links below.

Assistance in completing the state Tobacco-Free School District Certification. This certification will help establish a tobacco-free norm for school grounds.

Guidance in updating Board Policies related to tobacco-use.

Provide updated “Tobacco-Use is Prohibited” signs for sites.

Anti-vaping awareness presentations to stakeholders: parent and school staff, parent nights, PTA presentations, school staff meeting, teacher training days, principal meetings.

Leadership and support in applying for TUPE funds when available.

Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) administration and data-sharing training.

Provide technical assistance for comprehensive tobacco use prevention education programs, including curriculum, intervention, and youth development.

Coordinate the countywide TUPE Collaborative for districts, direct-funded charters, and community partners.
Tobacco-Use Prevention Education
(562) 469-4700