Introducing the New Reference Guide for Physical Education in California Schools
Wed Mar 06 13:55:00 PST 2024
Introducing the new Physical Education Reference Guide for California educators, providing insights on outcomes, regulations, course design and more crucial for K-12 education.
California schools now have a comprehensive physical education guide that supports the implementation of quality physical education programming that reflects current State and National policy and is consistent with California Education Code. LACOE, in collaboration with the California Physical Education-Health Project, Orange County Department of Education and the San Diego County Office of Education, created the Reference Guide for Physical Education in California Schools. This comprehensive guide provides physical educators and administrators with detailed standards, resources and teaching strategies to enhance the quality of physical education programs for California students from kindergarten through high school.
Why This Matters
From kindergarten to 12th grade, all California students must receive required minutes of physical education instruction that include:
- Elementary (grades 1-6): A minimum of 200 minutes of instruction each 10 school days (EC Section 51210)
- Middle & High School: A minimum of 400 minutes of instruction each 10 school days (EC Sections 51222, 33352)
This guide provides information regarding the intent of physical education with an emphasis on the importance of aligning curriculum, instruction, and assessment with grade-level standards, ensuring clear learning objectives are communicated to students that are in alignment to Physical Education Model Content Standards for California Public Schools.
What This Means
Educators are tasked with disrupting established systems and perspectives to align with policy, such as the California Education Code, and to address student needs effectively. In physical education, learning is shaped by content standards aimed at delivering age-appropriate and grade-specific engagements. This document serves as a vital resource for educators, offering essential guidance to support informed decision-making in crafting high quality physical education programming.
Access the Reference Guide for Physical Education in California Schools here: