CYBHI LEA Implementation Plans due via Qualtrics by December 13th
Wed Jul 10 13:35:00 PDT 2024
LEAs that submitted the CYBHI Baseline Survey and requested a direct allocation of Capacity Grant funds are required to submit an Implementation Plan by December 13th.
Thank you to our LEAs that submitted either the Baseline Survey or the Intent Survey or both for the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI) Capacity Grants.
All participating LEAs will be required to sign an MOU with LACOE. We are working to finalize those and will send them on a rolling basis.
LEAs that requested a direct allocation (all or part) are required to submit an Implementation Plan via Qualtrics by December 13th and Progress Reports every six months through July of 2026.
Your LEA may find the following templates helpful in developing you implementation plans:
DCHS Funding Guidance Overview
DHCS School-linked Fee Schedule
LEA Implementation Plan Planning Template (Google Doc Version)
LEA Implementation Plan Planning Template (Excel Version)
LEA Implementation Planning Tool with Deliverable Examples (Google Sheets)
LEA Implementation Plan (Qualtrics PDF)
Please join LACOE staff for Office Hours on the following Tuesdays: October 8th, October 22nd, November 5th, November 19th and December 3rd. These sessions are designed to help your LEA with their Implementation Plan. Please register at to receive the Zoom link.
We will convene a listening session in the near future for LEAs that chose to delegate all or part of their Capacity Grant allocation to LACOE.
Thank you for partnering with us as we increase access to behavioral health for students throughout Los Angeles County.