School-Linked Partnerships and Capacity Grants Baseline Survey

The Los Angeles County Office of Education invites local educational agencies (LEAs) in LA County to participate in a new state grant to build capacity to support your students’ mental health.

LACOE will receive an allocation of these state grant funds and then determine how these funds will be distributed to LEAs to support operational readiness to implement the CYBHI school-linked fee schedule. This new fee schedule will allow school-linked mental health practitioners to bill both Medi-Cal and private insurance for specific non-Individualized Education Program (IEP) related behavioral health services. Participation in the school-linked fee schedule is not a requirement, although it is encouraged. Information regarding the School Linked Partnership and Capacity Grant can be found here: CYBHI School Linked Partnerships and Capacity Grants Information.  

To qualify for a direct allocation of the Capacity Grants, LEAs are required to submit a Baseline Survey via Qualtrics by August 1, 2024. LEAs that do not submit the survey by the deadline are ineligible to receive Capacity Grant funds directly. Your assistance with completing the survey is greatly appreciated.

Please contact Dr. Sonya Smith at if you have any questions or need additional information.