LACOE is committed to supporting employees affected by workforce reductions. We appreciate your contributions and dedication to our schools and community. Please scroll below to view important information, answers to frequently asked questions and resources to help you with your next steps.
Q: When will my benefits end?
Benefits will stop on the 1st of the second month following the termination date. For example, if the separation/termination date is 6/30/2018, the active employee's benefits terminate on 8/1/2018.
Q: Are there any exceptions?
Under the following conditions, an employee terminating in June or July may receive benefits ending October 1st:
- 10-month employee terminates employment in June (completes contract year)
- 12-month employee hired prior to July 1997
Under the following conditions, an employee terminating in June may receive benefits ending September 1st:
- 10-month employee being paid over 11 months (183 work days) and completes contract
Q: How do I continue my benefits?
COBRA letters will be sent by certified mail to employees with a monthly cost to continue medical, dental, and vision benefits. You have 60 days from the day your benefits end to enroll in COBRA.
Contact the Benefits Office at (562) 803-8392 if you have any questions once you receive your packet.
Q: How long can I continue COBRA benefits?
- Dental and Vision - 18 months
- Medical - 18 months under Federal COBRA plus an additional 18 months under California
Q: Can I change my medical and dental plans upon COBRA enrollment?
- Dental - NO
- Medical - NO
Q: How do I make monthly COBRA payments?
- Medical, Dental, and Vision - Send a check payable to LACOE to the LACOE Benefits Office at 9300 Imperial Highway, Downey, CA, 90242. Payment is due the 1st of the month, or subject to cancellation.
Q: What about my UNUM Life Insurance?
A portability policy is available. You must submit a portability enrollment form along with a check to UNUM no later than 30 days after the termination of active life insurance benefits. Contact the Benefits Office for a portability enrollment form.
Q: Who do I contact if I have more questions?
Please contact Kelly Johnston with the Benefits Office at (562) 803-8392.
For more information, please visit the Employee Benefits page on the Employee Intranet at
Q: How is seniority determined?
Seniority for LACOE staff is determined as the first day of paid service in a probationary position.
Q: I viewed the seniority list and there are 10 people on the list with less seniority than I have. Why did I get a RIF notice and they did not?
You received a RIF notice because you do not hold the certification that the person with the junior seniority date has and is necessary for the position assigned.
Q: What happens if my seniority is a tie with another employee?
A resolution will be developed determining the order of termination amongst Certificated Personnel with the same seniority date. Whenever there is a tie the criteria listed in the resolution will be applied.
Q: Why are there names of retired or deceased employees on the seniority list?
The seniority list contains the names of current and separated employees for three years. The system does not purge records until all activity related to an employee’s record ceases. Such activity includes generation of W-2 forms and health benefits for COBRA-eligible dependents.
Q: Why did I get placed in a position so far from where I live?
There has been no placement as of yet. The assignment identified for a particular teacher is merely for illustration as place holders.
Q: How soon will rescission letters be sent out?
There is no guarantee that positions identified to be eliminated will be restored, but should funding be secured for the ensuing school year rescission notices will be mailed out soon after.
Q: How can I help colleagues in distress due to the RIF?
Calmly acknowledge and reassure the employee that what is happening to individuals at LACOE is difficult and unfortunate. Let the employee know that HRS understands the negative impact of budget cuts and uncertainty. These feelings are a normal response to the current situation. Communicate that support is available through EASE by calling (800)882-1341, or they may contact their health-care provider.
Q: Who do I contact for more information? Health insurance benefits – When will they end?
- How do I sign up for COBRA and how much will it cost? Contact the Benefits Office, (562) 803-8392
- Section 125 Plans – What happens to my flexible spending account? Contact Discovery Benefits (866) 451-3399
- Leave balances – Will I get paid for my vacation and/or sick leave? Contact Mercy Saldana, Payroll Manager at (562) 803-8427 or email
- Unemployment Insurance – How do I apply? Contact your local EDD office directly.
- Assistance with resume writing, interviewing skills. Contact HRS/Employee Training and Orientation of call (562) 803-8506.
- Confidential counseling and support. Contact EASE (800) 882-1341
- Education employment opportunities can be found at
Q: How is my seniority determined?
State law mandates the process used by school districts and county offices of education to determine seniority for classified staff. Specifically, California Education Code Section 45308 states:
“Whenever a classified employee is laid off, the order of layoff within the class shall be determined by length of service. The employee who has been employed the shortest time in the class, plus higher classes, shall be laid off first. Reemployment shall be in order of seniority.”
For classified management, confidential and SEIU, this means that seniority for the purpose of Reduction-in-Force (RIF) consists of the employee’s paid hours in that classification plus all higher classifications. For example, Jane Doe was first hired as a Senior Typist Clerk and then promoted to a Secretary position. Jane’s seniority as a Secretary consists of her paid hours as a Secretary. Her seniority as a Senior Typist Clerk consists of her paid hours as a Senior Typist Clerk plus her paid hours as a Secretary. The classified seniority lists have three columns: “credit in assignment,” “credit in other,” and “seniority credit.” The third column (seniority credit) combines the first two and then ranks the results. Also, please note that seniority is within a classification and is not dependent on the funding source or how long the employee has been in a particular work unit or division.
Classified seniority may be affected by leaves of absence. No seniority is accrued by the employee during unpaid Family and Medical Leave or unpaid Personal Leave. During paid Workers’ Compensation Leave the employee continues to accrue seniority.
For CSEA members, seniority is by date rather than hours. For most classifications, this is the first date the employee began service in a regular position (also known as first probation served date). For higher-level classifications, such as Paraeducator Academic, Paraeducator Academic English Learner, Educational Behavioral Technician, and Speech Language Pathologist Assistant, the seniority date is the date the employee began service in that classification (also known as class entry date).
Q: What happens if my seniority is a tie with another employee?
Seniority for classified management, confidential and SEIU positions is first ranked by regular hours paid in the classification plus all higher classifications. If a tie occurs at this level, seniority is then ranked by the date each employee entered the classification, which is shown on the seniority lists as “begin date.” If there is still a tie, seniority is then ranked by the first probation served date, which is the first date that each employee was hired into a permanent position in the classified service. (This date is listed as the seniority date in the BEST Human Capital Management (HCM) system. If there is still a tie, seniority is then ranked by the Original Appointment Date in HCM. If a tie still remains at this point, seniority is determined by drawing lots.
CSEA seniority tie-breakers are similar, but dates are used instead of hours.
Q: Why are there names of retired or deceased employees on the seniority lists?
The system-generated classified seniority lists are provided monthly to HRS from School Financial Services (SFS) and Technology Services. They contain the names of employees who are currently in each classification, as well as past members of the classification. In the event of a RIF, employees who do not have sufficient seniority to be placed in a position in their current classification they are holding, may be able to retreat (return) to positions in former classifications that they held.
Retired individuals will remain on the report, as they can submit to come out of retirement and request to be reinstated to the eligibility list for any classification for which they hold seniority rights. We are legally obligated to keep their information available in the event this occurs.
Deceased individuals may appear on the seniority list, due to when they became deceased and the date of the seniority report. While it is the intention to remove anyone meeting this criteria, we are not able to control what
While employees may have concerns about seeing the names of retired and/or deceased employees on the seniority lists, their inclusion does not indicate that there are errors in the calculation of classified seniority.
While these lists are not the sole basis for determining seniority during a RIF, they are an invaluable tool. Classified employees who are separated from employment due to a RIF (California Education Code Sections 45308, 45117, and 45298), as well as those separated from employment due to exhaustion of leave (California Education Code Sections 45192/45195), have reemployment rights for 39 months. Classified employees who voluntarily resign may request reinstatement for a period of 39 months (California Education Code Section 45309).
Individuals reemployed or reinstated during such 39-month periods keep their previously earned seniority. These individuals therefore appear on the seniority lists even after their LACOE employment has been terminated. Once the 39-month period has passed, they will be removed from the seniority list. If rehired after this date, they will be starting fresh with seniority.
Q: Can I choose to displace (“bump”) any less senior employee in my classification?
No. In a RIF, employees are first placed in available vacant positions in the classification as required by law. Then if there is no vacancy available, the next step will be displacement (“bumping”) in the order of highest to lowest.
This means the most senior employee in the classification bumps the least senior employee, then the next most senior employee in the classification bumps the next least senior employee, and so on, until there are no available positions left in the classification to bump. If this occurs, then the seniority list is reviewed for available positions the employee holds seniority in, and a review of their seniority placement in that classification. The process starts again, a search for available vacancies, and if there are none, is the individual senior enough to bump an individual less senior.
This is also why RIF placements are subject to change as additional positions may become available for placement before the RIF is fully executed.
Q: What does “Y-rating” mean?
The only bargaining unit with language for Y-Rating is CSEA. Classified Management, Confidential and SEIU do not have this as an option. The provision of Y-Rating for SEIU employees sunset June 30, 2015 and earlier for Classified Management and Confidential positions.
The CSEA collective bargaining agreement Article IX.A.10, states the following:
"A unit member displaced by staff reduction and exercising displacement rights to a lower class in lieu of layoff with prior service in the class shall be Y-rated at the unit member’s current hourly rate.
A unit member voluntarily or administratively demoted shall receive the salary indicated at the same salary step and schedule of the new classification.
The unit member’s anniversary date shall not change as a result of demotion."
Employees with seniority to return to CSEA classifications fall within accordance of the CSEA CBA where it pertains to Y-Rating. If a CSEA member is working in a higher classification that is eliminated or they are bumped (displaced) by someone more senior, they qualify for the Y-Rating.
CSEA employees placed in lower-level classifications due to the RIF will be “Y-rated” in accordance with their Collective Bargaining Agreement (CSEA Article IX.A.10 ). According to the agreement, such employees will receive their current (higher) rate of pay in their lower-level classifications until such time as they are offered a position in their former classification, or the salary rate of the lower level catches up with the “Y-rate.”
Classified management employees placed in lower-level classifications due to the RIF are not “Y-rated” (not even if the return/retreat classification is under SEIU). Instead, they will be placed in the step on the salary range for the lower-level classification that provides the same salary rate of the higher classification or the least reduction in salary rate (Personnel Commission Rule 4215.15.A).
Q: When I am on the reemployment list do I have to take the first position offered to me?
No. Positions will be offered to those on the reemployment lists by seniority for a period of 39 months from the date of layoff. When offered a reemployment opportunity, an individual may turn down that opportunity and remain on the reemployment list for the 39-month period. However, if the individual is serving in a lower-level classification at a “Y-rated” salary, the “Y-rated” salary will not be continued after an offer of reemployment has been made (CSEA employees only).
Q: What is a reinstatement list? Is that the same as the reemploymemt list?
Employees who are laid off due to RIF but have not passed their initial probationary period may submit a request to to be added to the reinstatement list of the classification for 39 months from the date of the layoff. When openings occur and there is no reemployment list, the individuals on the reinstatement, transfer, and eligibility lists will be considered and interviewed by the hiring manager.
This is different from a reemployment list because individuals on a reemploymeny list have rights to the classification that they are displaced or laid off beacuse they hold seniority.
Q: How can I help colleagues in distress due to the RIF?
Calmly acknowledge and reassure the employee that what is happening to individuals at LACOE is difficult and unfortunate. Let the employee know that HRS understands the negative impact of budget cuts and uncertainty. These feelings are a normal response to the current situation. Communicate that support is available through EASE by calling (800) 882-1341, or they may contact their healthcare provider.
Q: Who do I contact for more information regarding Health Insurance Benefits?
Contact the Benefits Office, (562) 803-8392, or contact your health-care provider. The Health insurance benefits office can answer questions about:
- When insurance benefits end?
- How to sign up for COBRA and how much will it cost?
Q. What happens to my flexible spending account known as a Section 125 Plan?
Contact DISCOVERY BENEFITS, (866) 451-3399.
Q. How do I find out my leave balances?
Go online to UKG or contact your UKG Timekeeper for this information. If you want to know whether you are eligible for specific payout and timelines, please contact payroll.
Contact; (562) 803-8428
Jim Fuhriman, Principal Payroll Specialist: (562) 803-8432
Ivette Sosa, Principal Payroll Specialist: (562) 803-8256
Stacy Andrade, Sr. Payroll Specialist: (562) 803-8433
Cynthia Jimenez, Payroll Specialist: (562) 922-8797
Mariela Mejia, Payroll Specialist: (562) 803-8575
Dawn Camargo, Payroll Specialist LT –(562) 922-6390
Sabrina Reyes, Payroll Specialist LT – (562) 469-4990
Aileen Savitch, Assistant Payroll Manager: (562) 922-6031
Mercy Saldana, Payroll Officer: (562) 803-8427
Q. Who do I speak with regarding my seniority hours?
You may send an email to the HRS_RIF email address for assistance, or you can contact the individuals below for assistance about your hours or date of seniority.
Carol D. Phillips, HR Operations Manager (562) 803-8389
Christina Williams, Employee Records Supervisor (562) 401-5395
Rosie Blankenship, Employee Records Supervisor (562) 922-6567
Julie Casarrubias, Administrative Assistant (562-803-8458)
Adriana Hernandez, Director I (562-803-8427)
Q: What happens to my vacation when I separate from LACOE?
The amount of vacation earned, but not used, shall be paid in a lump sum to the unit member at the current salary rate.
Q: I have only been with LACOE less than 6 months and have not passed probation, do I still get vacation paid out?
Probationary unit members shall not have vested interest in accrued vacation leave until completion of six (6) months of employment. EDC § 45197
Q: What happens to my sick time? Can it be paid out?
Transfer to another PERS/STRS employer: If hired in another agency with PERS/STRS retirement reciprocity please have new employer send sick leave transfer request form to payroll. EDC § 44979, 44982, 45202
If Retiring: Earned unused sick time may be transferred to CALSTRS or CALPERS for retirement service credit.
For CalSTRS: please submit form SR0554E – Express Benefit Report
For CALPERS: Sick time is transferred by HR department to CalPERS
Classified SEIU: must be employed by the office on or before 2/20/1996 for payout not to exceed 48 hours of unused full-time leave days times the number of years of service maxed at 720 hours. Payment will be at daily current salary rate.
Classified CSEA: a classified unit member who holds a permanent position and who has at least five (5) years of continuous service shall receive a lump sum payment not to exceed six (6) unused fulltime illness leave days times the number of years of service maxed at 90 unused full pay sick days. Payment will be at daily current salary rate.
Classified Management/Confidential Employees: must be employed by office on or before 3/30/1990 for payout not to exceed 6 of unused full-time leave days times the number of years of service maxed at ninety (90) accumulated unused illness leave days. Payment will be at daily current salary rate.
Certificated LACEA: Not Applicable
Certificated Management: Not Applicable
Q: What if I used more sick time then what I earned?
If the unit member terminates employment, having used more illness leave than has been earned, an adjustment will be made on the final warrant.
Q: Is my 50% sick time paid out too?
No – 50% sick time is not eligible for payout or transfer.
Q: When will I receive my final check?
Once final attendance is reconciled in UKG, payroll will process final payout on the next available pay cycle.
Q: Will my final check be direct deposit? Can I pick up my check?
Once you are terminated in the system, your direct deposit will also terminated and a paper warrant will be issued. All final checks will be mailed to the address on file.
Q: How can I update my contact information and mailing address?
Completed 701-341 Personnel Data Form and return to Human Resources. You can find form on the Employee Intranet.
Q: Who do I contact if I have more questions about my payroll?
Please contact ABD Payroll at:; (562) 803-8428
Jim Fuhriman, Principal Payroll Specialist: (562) 803-8432
Ivette Sosa, Principal Payroll Specialist: (562) 803-8256
Stacy Andrade, Sr. Payroll Specialist: (562) 803-8433
Cynthia Jimenez, Payroll Specialist: (562) 922-8797
Mariela Mejia, Payroll Specialist: (562) 803-8575
Dawn Camargo, Payroll Specialist LT –(562) 922-6390
Sabrina Reyes, Payroll Specialist LT – (562) 469-4990
Aileen Savitch, Assistant Payroll Manager: (562) 922-6031
Mercy Saldana, Payroll Officer: (562) 803-8427
Q: What about my benefits?
Please contact the Benefits Office at (562) 803-8392.
*Please visit for more information regarding Collective Bargaining Agreements and Policies.*
*For more information, please visit the ABD Payroll page on the Employee Intranet at*
- Covered California
Headquarters & Regional Offices
The CalPERS Headquarters address is 400 Q Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 (Get directions). We are just off Interstate 5, occupy four full city blocks, and are bound by 3rd, 5th, P, and R Streets. The CalPERS complex includes the original CalPERS building (Lincoln Plaza North), Lincoln Plaza East, Lincoln Plaza West, and Lincoln Plaza South. Use the resources below to plan your visit:
Regional Offices
We have eight Regional Offices located throughout the state where staff can assist you with a variety of services and educational events. Offices are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You can call us during business hours at 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377). All CalPERS offices are closed on state holidays.
Before visiting a Regional Office, we suggest you:
- Read and complete any necessary Forms & Publications.
- Attend a Member Education class or check out some of our online retirement planning services.
- Make an Appointment.
Click here to view CalPERS headquarters and regional office information.
CalSTRS has eight member service centers, including our headquarters in West Sacramento, where you can learn about retirement—whether it’s close at hand or far in the future.
Member service centers offer:
- Workshops to help you understand your defined benefit pension, prepare for retirement, and access additional savings opportunities, including Pension2®—a voluntary CalSTRS program that offers traditional and Roth 403(b) and 457(b) options.
- Benefit planning sessions that give you a chance to talk face-to-face with an expert and ask questions important to you. Sign up and you’ll learn with your peers in an interactive small-group setting. Each session is tailored to a specific phase of your career—whether you’re early career, mid-career or nearing retirement.
- General walk-in assistance.
- CalSTRS publications and forms pick-up.
- Forms drop-off.
In addition to the eight member service centers, there are a few other options such as satellite offices and counseling services through county offices of education.
If you’re unable to visit CalSTRS in person, call 800-228-5453, option 3, to schedule a phone session.
We know you’re busy—being an educator is more than a full-time job—but dropping by is worth your while. Visiting your local CalSTRS member service center is a great way to explore your retirement options and get answers to questions you never knew you had.
What is Covered California?
The Covered California Health Exchange is the government agency offering subsidized Obamacare plans for this state. The California Health Exchange was created to assist citizens and legal residents with applying for marketplace coverage in order to comply with the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”). When the law was passed in 2010, each of the 50 states had to decide to either create a state-run health insurance exchange or offer enrollment through a federally-operated exchange. This state chose to create their own exchange and called it “Covered California”
How can I enroll?
Individuals and families that experience a qualifying life event can enroll in a Covered California health insurance plan outside of the annual open enrollment period. This is called Special Enrollment. In most cases you have 60 days from the date of the qualifying life event to enroll in a health insurance plan (or change your existing plan) through Covered California. If you know ahead of time when you are going to lose your health coverage, you will also have an additional 60 days to enroll before that date to prevent any gaps in coverage.
For assistance with navigating the Covered California website, contact St. Francis Medical Center Benefits Resource Center at (310) 900-7380.
Click here for more information on Covered California
How to Apply for Unemployment Insurance (UI) Benefits
How do you file for UI benefits?
FIle on the Employment Development Department (EDD website) or by telephone. Refer to the EDD pamphlet “For Your Benefit, California’s Programs for the Unemployed” for detailed information on how to apply for UI (see handout). If you don’t have a computer there are free computers at libraries and at One-Stop Career Centers (see handout). To file by phone call 1-800-300-5616. But, please note, the EDD encourages applying online due to very long phone delays.
When to apply?
When you are completely unemployed or working less than full time or after you have had your hours or work year reduced. You may be eligible for reduced UI benefits if working less than full-time. Your claim is filed effective the Sunday of the week you become unemployed so do not delay filing your claim. EDD provides comprehensive information you need before applying for Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits and what to expect after filing your claim, including information about certifying for benefits.
Note: A waiting period week may apply. If the employee has an existing claim, then they can file and start claiming the day after the last day of employment. If it is a brand new claim, then there is a waiting period of one week.
What does it mean to be eligible for benefits?
Once you have filed a valid UI claim, in order to be eligible for benefits, you must be out of work through no fault of your own from your last employment and you must meet continuing eligibility requirements by being able and available for work, looking for work each week, by not refusing suitable offers of work, and certifying timely. If you fail to meet any of these requirements, the EDD will schedule you for a phone interview to determine if you are eligible to receive benefits.
What does it mean to certify for benefits?
This is when you file weekly claim certifications for a week in which you want to be paid UI benefits after your claim has been filed or your existing claim has been re-opened. You may certify for benefits online by using the EDD Web-CertSM, or by phone using the EDD Tele-CertSM, or by mailing the paper Continued Claim form. The quickest and easiest way to certify is by using the EDD Web-CertSM or the EDD Tele-CertSM. Due to current system limitations, not everyone will be able to certify online or by phone. A system upgrade will occur later in 2013 to expand these options to most claimants.
When can I expect to receive my first UI payment?
The first week after you file is an unpaid waiting week period. The first UI payment is usually issued within three weeks after filing, but it could take as long as five weeks. The EDD now delivers payment by debit card.
How long can I collect UI benefits?
Your claim begins on the Sunday of the week in which you file your claim and the benefit year of your claim is 52 weeks from that Sunday date. The maximum payable award on a claim is up to 26 weeks times your weekly UI benefit amount. Some individuals may have a maximum award that is less than 26 weeks. If you work part-time and collect UI benefits your maximum award is reduced only by the amount of UI benefits you have been paid. If you stop claiming benefits during your benefit year then want to resume claiming again, you must reopen your claim. You re-open your claim the same way you file a claim, that is, by submitting an online application or by calling the EDD. If you exhaust your benefits before the benefit year, no more benefits are payable on the claim. However, if federal extensions are in effect, you may be paid additional benefits beyond the 26 weeks.
Work Requirement:
While collecting benefits you are required to look for work. When you certify for benefits on a bi-weekly basis, you will be asked if you looked for work. Failure to look for work each week you are filing for benefits may result in a denial of benefits.
Can I collect UI benefits if I’ve been laid off due to a RIF?
Because your employer eliminated your position you are considered to be out of work through no fault of your own. You are eligible to receive benefits providing you meet all other eligibility requirements.
Can I collect UI benefits if my work year has been reduced?
Yes, providing you meet all other eligibility requirements. However you can only collect UI benefits during the first summer in which the change in employment conditions takes place.
Benefit Amounts:
What you are entitled to receive depends on how much you earned during the Base Period of your claim. The minimum weekly benefit amount is $40 a week and the maximum weekly benefit amount is $450 a week. Refer to the EDD website or refer to the EDD pamphlet “For Your Benefit, California’s Programs for the Unemployed” for more information about how the base period is established and how weekly benefit amounts are determined.
Are UI Benefits Taxable?
The state of California does not consider UI benefits as taxable income, however the federal government does.
What if I have Questions for the EDD?
Go to the EDD’s website and click on Contact EDD and follow the links.