The Personnel Commission is an independent body responsible for maintaining the Merit System for classified employees and overseeing the work of the Executive Director and the Personnel Commission staff.
The office of Personnel Commission performs the following organizational services for the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE):
- Recruiting and testing candidates for employment
- Performing position classification and reclassification studies
- Conducting salary studies and surveys
- Holding hearings on appeals of disciplinary actions
- Providing classified staff training programs
The next Personnel Commission Meeting will be held on:
Thursday, April 17, 2025, at 11:00 AM
The next regular Personnel Commission meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 17, 2025, at 11:00 a.m., Education Center - Board Room, 9300 Imperial Highway, Downey, CA, and as a Virtual Meeting using Zoom.
Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of LACOE, should contact the Event Coordination Specialist at (562) 401-5699 to coordinate accommodations with the ADA Title II Coordinator as soon as possible.
Los Angeles County Office of Education - Board Room
9300 Imperial Hwy., Downey, Ca 90242
Webinar ID: 826 6783 4759
Password: 682503
Call: (669) 900-9128
Webinar ID: 826 6783 4759
Password: 682503
Note: Users who do not have the Zoom application can join the meeting by clicking the link above. Cancel the Open Zoom dialog box, then click the “join from your browser” link at the bottom of the Open Zoom meeting page.
You may submit public comments in multiple ways:
- Submit written public comments in person on the day of the meeting.
- Submit public comments using the Question and Answers (Q & A) feature in the Zoom application on the day of the meeting.
- Submit written public comments or documentation by e-mail to:
- Record a voicemail with your public comments by calling: (562) 803-8366.
Please note the following guidelines when submitting public comments:
- Any public comment or documentation submitted via email or voicemail must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. the day before the scheduled Personnel Commission Meeting.
- Please include your name, phone number, specific agenda item, and Personnel Commission meeting date in your correspondence.
- Correspondence received shall become part of the official record.
Anita Ford, Chairperson
Mrs. Anita Ford was re-appointed by the County Superintendent effective December 1, 2022, for a three-year term. Mrs. Ford retired from the Los Angeles Unified School District as the Personnel Director in December 2005 and has been an active member of the Personnel Commission of the Los Angeles County Office of Education since 1990.
Michael J. Henry, Vice-Chairperson
Mr. Michael J. Henry is a joint appointee effective December 1, 2011, and reappointed for a three-year term effective December 1, 2020.
Henry Perez, Member
Mr. Henry Perez was appointed by SEIU and was approved by the County Superintendent on December 1, 2024 for a three-year term.
The Merit System is a method of personnel management that is designed to promote the efficiency and economy of the workplace and the public good. It guides the selection and retention of classified employees, promotional opportunities, in-service training, and other related matters on the basis of merit, fitness, and the principle of "like pay for like work."
The California Education Code provides that the Personnel Commissioners shall:
- Classify positions
- Recommend salary ranges to the Board of Education based on the principle of “like pay for like work”
- Hear appeals of discipline and dismissal, as well as protests involving examinations
- Hire and promote classified employees on the basis of ability, with open competition in employment
- Conduct fair and objective recruitment, selection, and appointment procedures that result in the establishment of eligibility lists to fill vacancies with qualified staff
- Assure fair treatment of applicants and employees in all aspects of personnel administration without regard to political affiliation, race, color, national origin, gender, sex, sexual orientation, or religious creed; including proper regard for privacy and constitutional rights as citizens
- Prescribe rules and regulations related directly and indirectly to such described personnel practices. Description of the Personnel Commission functions are provided in Sections 45220 through 45320 of the California Education Code
Personnel Commission meeting calendars, agendas, and minutes are available as linked PDF files next to each meeting date below. If you do not have Adobe Reader you can download it free from the Adobe website.
- Meeting Calendars
- Meeting Agendas
- Meeting Minutes
- Rules, Guides & Reports
Office of the Personnel Commission
(562) 803-8360