LACOE and the Los Angeles County Board of Education designate April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month/Denim Day, promoting awareness about sexual violence through educational initiatives and solidarity actions like Denim Day on April 24th, fostering a culture of consent and respect among students and the community.

By participating in Denim Day activities, we promote prevention through education; make it possible for more survivors of sexual assault to reach out and find help; and help everyone to understand the critical role they play in preventing violence against women.


LACOE Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Denim Day Toolkit


Peace Over Violence

Peace Over Violence is a Los Angeles-based organization that offers support and advocacy for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence.

Hotline: 213-626-3393

Join millions of people across the world that will wear jeans with a purpose, support survivors, and educate themselves and others about all forms of sexual violence on Denim Day, April 24, 2024. Learn more about the Denim Day campaign and how you can get involved, as well as more statistics on sexual violence. Download posters from the No Excuses Campaign. Read more Demin Day facts.


RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)

RAINN is the largest anti-sexual violence organization in the United States. While it's not specific to Los Angeles County, they can provide support and connect you with local resources.

Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)


YWCA Greater Los Angeles

The YWCA Greater Los Angeles provides services to survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, including crisis intervention and counseling.

Hotline: 877-YWCA-YES (877-992-2937)


Jenesse Center

Jenesse Center provides services and shelter to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in the Los Angeles area.

Hotline: 800-479-7328


Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health

The Department of Mental Health may provide resources and referrals for counseling and support services.


Center for Assault Treatment Services (C∙A∙T∙S)

C∙A∙T∙S is a program of Dignity Health - Northridge Hospital Medical Center, offering comprehensive services to sexual assault survivors, including medical care, forensic exams, and crisis intervention.

Hotline: 818-718-5922


East Los Angeles Women's Center

The East Los Angeles Women's Center offers support and services to survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence in the East Los Angeles area.

Hotline: 800-585-6231




National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) (available 24/7)

LA County Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-978-3600 (confidential, 24/7)

211LA: Dial 2-1-1 and ask for sexual assault resources (connects you with local resources)


Los Angeles County Rape and Battering Hotline

This hotline provides crisis intervention, counseling, and referrals specifically for survivors of rape and domestic violence in Los Angeles County.

Hotline: 310-392-8381

Rape Crisis Centers

The Los Angeles County Commission for Women has a list of SART (Sexual Assault Response Team) centers on their website: Los Angeles County Commission for Women  Helping Hands: 




LACOE Board Resolution No. 40: Declaring April as “Sexual Assault Awareness Month” and April 24, 2024 as “Denim Day”


Safe LA

Safe LA Rape and Sexual Assault: Provides information and resources on support groups, legal advocacy, and healing.


LA County Department of Public Health

Los Angeles County Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence: 
Includes information on getting help and safety tips.


East Los Angeles Women's Center

East Los Angeles Women's Center Sexual Assault Services: Offers counseling, support groups, and advocacy services specifically for women.


Crime Survivors Resource Center

The Downey Police Department collaborates with this organization that provides support and advocacy for crime victims, including sexual assault: (844) 853-HOPE.