Filipino American History Month

Filipino Americans are the second-largest Asian American group in the nation. They have contributed greatly to the cultural, political and economic life in the United States, the State of California and Los Angeles County. October was declared Filipino Heritage Month in California and Hawaii in 1988, and the California Department of Education officially recognized October as Filipino Heritage Month in 2006.

October is the birth month of Filipino-American labor leader Larry Itliong, an icon in the farm labor movement. The Los Angeles County Board of Education passed a resolution to commemorate October as Filipino American History Month and encourage districts to celebrate Filipino history and heritage. The resources below provide an opportunity to explore the historical and cultural aspects of the Filipino American community and the Philippines.


    Sample Board Resolutions

    Filipino American National Historical Society – FANHS

    Larry Itliong Day – October 25


    Advancing Justice and UCLA


    The Content, Literacy, Inquiry, and Citizenship Project

    Asian Art Museum

    California Teachers Association

    Equal Justice Initiative

    NBC News


    Pew Research Center


    This Filipino American Life

    UC Davis


    UCLA Library
