Improving the lives of students and our educational community through service, leadership and advocacy.
A culture of excellence in all we do.
Our strategic plan is agile. Our strategic plan is inclusive. Our engagement is real.
The 2022-2025 LACOE Strategic Plan will enable us to move forward boldly and courageously as we continue to create meaningful change for our L.A. County students, families and educators. Created by an extensive community engagement process, our plan will serve as the roadmap towards future growth and success over the next three years. With students always at the center of our work, we must be responsive to education’s changing landscape by aligning our goals and direction of the organization to meet the needs of our educational community.
Pillars of Focus
As we prepare the next generations of students for success, we are aligning our priorities to meet the needs of a changed educational landscape through our five pillars of focus:

Improve Student Outcomes
We will improve student outcomes by making measurable gains in literacy and numeracy rates, reducing achievement gaps for targeted student populations and increasing access to vocational and continuing education programs for justice impacted youth.

Champion Individual and Collective Care and Wellbeing
We will support a holistic vision for student and staff wellbeing that includes addressing student engagement and absenteeism and building community and a sense of belonging for LACOE employees.

Strengthen Community with Children at the Center
Through strategic partnerships, the expansion of our Community Schools Initiative and ensuring that the recruitment of students for LACOE specialized high schools reflects our county’s student demographics, we will leverage relationships and resources from across our communities to better support children.

Communicate Effectively
By focusing on accessibility and leveraging multiple techniques and platforms, we will improve the effectiveness of our internal and external communication efforts.

Model Organizational Excellence and Innovation
To foster a culture of excellence, we will prioritize customer satisfaction for all LACOE services and focus on specific efforts that support greater efficiency and effectiveness.