L.A. County early education educators gathered for a professional development day to learn new strategies on play-based education.
Through mentorship, advocacy and a powerful sense of community, the Women's Leadership Conference fuels leadership and empowerment for women in education.
The Differentiated Assistance Convening brought together education leaders from across L.A. County to collaborate, strategize and implement solutions that support every student’s success.
This innovative pilot program is designed to enhance Expanded Learning opportunities for high school students across Los Angeles County.
LACOE and the Equality California Institute report findings from the 2024 Safe and Supportive School Report Card.
LACOE hosts and launches four-part Local School Wellness Policy (LSWP) professional development series to support L.A. County LEAs.
Local leaders and community members gathered to address recent hate crimes and emphasize unity and inclusivity, promoting the LA vs Hate initiative and collaborative efforts against discrimination.
Los Angeles County Office of Education
9300 Imperial Hwy., Downey CA 90242, United States (562) 922-6111