The Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC) program is comprised of six (6) courses aligned to the California Administrator Performance Expectations (CAPE), job-embedded fieldwork, and support for CalAPA Assessment Cycles. Courses and convenings are offered in a hybrid format, both in-person and virtually to offer engagement, networking, and opportunities that expand leadership capacity and prepare candidates to be transformational school leaders.
The Fall Cohort 7 Application Window is open. Applications accepted between December 2, 2024 and May 1, 2025 will be considered based on meeting the application criteria.
The Los Angeles County Office of Education provides candidates an opportunity to earn a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential through our one-year program. The program is accredited through the Sacramento County Office of Education/California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) and is comprised of six courses. The courses are based on the integration of Cal APA exam content.
1. Possess one of the following valid credentials:
(a) a clear or life California teaching credential that requires a baccalaureate degree and a program of professional preparation, including student teaching or the equivalent, and holds an English learner authorization; or
(b) a clear or life California designated subjects teaching credential in adult education, career technical education, vocational education or special subjects, provided the applicant also possesses a baccalaureate degree, and holds an English learner authorization; or
(c) a clear or life California services credential in pupil personnel services, health services for school nurse, teacher librarian services, or speech-language pathology or clinical or rehabilitative services requiring a baccalaureate degree and a program of professional preparation, including field work or the equivalent.
2. Meet the basic skills requirement as described in Education Code section 44252(b), unless exempt by statute.
3. Verification of one of the following (prior to being recommended for the preliminary credential):
(a) five years of successful, full-time teaching experience in a public, private or charter school.
(b) five years of successful, full-time experience in the fields of pupil personnel, school nurse, teacher librarian, or speech-language pathology, or clinical or rehabilitative services in a public, private or charter school.
(c) a combination of (a) and (b).
4. Verification of current employment in a TK-12 district, charter, County Office of Education, or independent school
In addition to successful completion of the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program, preliminary candidates are required to take, and pass, all three cycles of the Cal APA Exam in order to receive their Preliminary Administrative Services Credential.
Cal APA Exam fees are not included in the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program fees.
These fees are paid separately by the participant.
The California State Budget included the approval of the California Educator Exam and Performance Assessment fee waivers. Registration fees for the California Educator Exams and Performance Assessments will be automatically waived during the online registration process for any eligible candidate. Free registration may close early if funds allocated are no longer available. The fee waivers do not apply to the NES and WEST–E exams.
For additional information, please see the California Examinations and Assessments Fee Waivers Program Sponsor Alert (PSA) 22-12 issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
When the waiver is not in effect, the following fees apply:
- Cal APA Exam Fees:
- Cycle 1 - $125
- Cycle 2 - $150
- Cycle 3 - $150
Fees are subject to change at the discretion of the California Department of Education.
© 2024, Los Angeles County Office of Education, Educational Leadership Programs
For questions, contact:
Donna Jacobson, Coordinator III:
Adrien Durley, Administrative Aide: