LACOE provides technical assistance regarding health education requirements identified in the California Education Code and offers professional development.
LACOE assists in the administration of comprehensive sexual health education which must be taught once in middle school and once in high school. All instruction in all grades must be age-appropriate and medically accurate. Comprehensive sexual health education must address the needs of students of all genders and sexual orientations.
Parents must be notified that their student will receive sexual health and HIV prevention education and be allowed to view the materials prior to instruction. Instruction must be appropriate for students with disabilities, English language learners, and students of all races, ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Comprehensive Sex Education Network (CSEN)
Annually LACOE hosts a series of four meetings on non-consecutive days for the Comprehensive Sex Education Network (CSEN). This professional learning community provides support to districts and schools in meeting the requirement of California Health Youth Act, as well as best practices in delivering high-quality, age-appropriate, medically accurate and comprehensive sexual health education. The network will provide the opportunity for CSE experts and educators to share successes, challenges, and guidance for teaching sex education in the classroom.

Selected by the California Department of Education, LACOE currently serves as the lead contractor to develop online training courses for educators to provide resources to bolster support for LGBTQ+ youth in California. LACOE is collaborating with lead partner agency the Equality California Institute and an advisory committee composed of 20 nonprofit organizations, including the Trevor Project and ACLU Southern California, to develop the project called PRISM: Providing Relevant, Inclusive Support That Matters for LGBTQ+ Students.
PRISM will cover various topics:
- LGBTQ+ basic terminology associated with intersectional identities and the creation of safe and supportive learning environments for LGBTQ+ pupils, including those with multiple intersecting identities, including, but not limited to: those who are members of the LGBTQ+ community, members of communities of color, immigrants, or people living with the human immunodeficiency virus.
- School anti-bullying and harassment policies that include the requirements and complaint procedures. These requirements protect the privacy of LGBTQ+ pupils, which may include Gender Support Plans, and policies relating to the use of school facilities, including, but not limited to, bathrooms and locker rooms.
- Suicide prevention and education policies and related procedures and targeted support services to LGBTQ+ youth, including counseling services. An LGBTQ+- inclusive education benefits the health and wellbeing of all students, and the PRISM project fosters acceptance and promotes a positive school environment for LGBTQ+ students.
- Resources and organizations that are available throughout California with an emphasis of identifying local, community-based organizations that provide support to LGBTQ+ youth. The importance of identifying local physical and mental health providers with experience in treating and supporting LGBTQ+ youth. The formation of peer support or affinity clubs and organizations and anti-bias or other training aimed at supporting LGBTQ+ youth.
Professional Development & Trainings
Whether you're a seasoned educator or just starting your career, LACOE's professional development and trainings are designed to enhance your skills, keep you updated on the latest trends, and foster a community of passionate health education professionals.
The HyPE Monthly
Our monthly newsletter is your go-to source for the latest updates on current trends, legislation, and spotlights in the field. Our mission is to provide you with valuable and insightful information to support your important work in promoting health and wellness among students.
Physical Education & Comprehensive Health
(562) 922-6321