We provide assistance to districts and schools in delivering systematic, sustainable, high quality, standards-based Arts & STEAM education for all students.
Arts Integration and STEAM are approaches to education that integrate arts with other subject areas of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, English language arts, English language development, social studies, and/or physical education.
New Arts Funding for Schools?! - See Ed Buzz Episode 9
Prop 28 and Arts Education Funding
CA Arts Education Framework Resources for Implementation
California Arts Standards
California Arts Education Framework
California County Superintendents Arts Initiative
Creativity at the Core: Learning Modules, Lesson plans and publications
CIS Professional Development Calendar
Engaging California English Learners through the Arts (ECELA)
Technology Enhanced Arts Learning (TEAL) Project
Center for Distance and Online Learning (CDOL)
LA County District Arts Coordinator Network
Expanding Access to Arts Education: 24-25 Community of Practice
Jeannine Flores
Coordinator III - Arts & STEAM
(562) 401-5499
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Six teams will represent L.A. County to compete at the California Academic Decathlon in Santa Clara in March.

Alhambra High School scored 43,925 points to win first place in the Los Angeles County Academic Decathlon.

The public and media are invited to the “Super Quiz,” to watch and cheer on decathletes as they take turns in teams to solve tough questions in front of a live audience.

No prior judging experience is needed. LACOE will provide the training necessary for the competition.

After three years of virtual competition, the California Academic Decathlon returned in person this year as high schools from throughout California.

More than 450 students in 59 teams from across the county participated in the competition, which started on January 28, and ended on February 4.