LACOE provides a multitude of services to school districts, community colleges, and charter schools in the areas of human resources, payroll management, retirement, and certification.
LACOE is responsible for reporting service credits and retirement contributions for active employees.
LACOE is responsible for reporting service credits and retirement contributions for active employees.
Useful documentation including training manuals, worksheets, slides used in training classes and videos available with closed captioning.
Monthly payroll warrants for school employees and payroll deduction related information through HRS.
Helpful resources available to users and system security administrators using HRS, COS, and RAD – HRS features only.
Documentation and instructions for employee leave balance uploads.
We provide assistance to school district personnel on the Human Resource System (HRS) for the Employee Database, Control Database and "retro" payroll generation.
For more information contact:
(562) 922-6274
Featured Item:
Seniority/Longevity Processing Manual
This manual is designed to provide a district with tools to maintain service credit and seniority/longevity reports to meet district layoff needs.
Districts and local education agencies that use the Human Resource System (HRS) can request customized Business Intelligence reports and labels. This data is extracted from different modules in HRS: Employee Data Base (EDB), Control Data Base (CDB), Position Control, Job History, and Pay History; and sent in various data file types, i.e. pdf, csv, or excel.
For more information, contact the HRS Operations unit at or via phone as follows.
• Districts A-L includes LACOE: Yesenia Requena, (562) 922-6609
• Districts M-Z: Linda Williams, (562) 922-6535
LACOE has created a data file to assist local educational agencies with the State Controller's Office (SCO) Compensation Data Requirements. Districts should always review all the data and enter the district information before submitting the data file to SCO.
Questions regarding the Government Compensation data file should be directed as follows.
- HRS Payroll: April Casey, (562) 922-6424,
- HRS Personnel: Laura Gutierrez, (562) 922-6471,
- Technical assistance: SFS Security,
ACCESSIBILITY: To get access to the data file, districts must have security access to RAD – Government Compensation Data. If you are interested in getting access, visit the System Security website, under the Helpful Sites section on this website, and complete the Operator Authorization Request form.
Below is a list of links related to the Government Compensaiton (GC) data file, its contents, and an overview of the process. A link to the Caifornia SCO website is also provided.
> Completion of SCO Compensation Request Overview
This is a step-by-step diagram on the GC data file process; from requesting access to the data file, to sending the GTP report template to SCO.
> Instructions for Downloading the SCO Data File From RAD
Once security access is given to the Government Compensation data file in RAD, use these instructions to successfully download the data file from RAD.
This is a chart that describes where, in HRS, the data is extracted from. It also displays the contact information of LACOE staff should you have any questions.
> Government Compensation Report Template Diagram
This is a diagram of the columns shown on the GC data file downloaded from RAD. It explains which fields require district input; were populated from HRS; were populated if data was available in HRS; and are related to the SCO data file.
> California State Controller's Office Official Website
The State Controller's Office provides the GC reporting instructions and the FTP instructions; and lists the templates for GC reporting. It also has the SCO requirements and due dates.
This is a compilation of questions asked by our local educational agencies. For more SCO data file questions, refer to top section of this section.
The Sick Leave Balance feature allows local educational agencies (LEA) to print employees’ vacation leave balances, sick leave balances, and as-of dates on their payroll warrants and advices. It requires districts to populate and upload excel spreadsheets through RAD. These uploads are then interfaced with the Human Resource System (HRS) where the information is posted to the Leave Account Balances Screen (031) in Functions 01 and 04. Districts should review all data before uploading the data file.
For more information, send an email to
ACCESSIBILITY: To get access to this feature, districts must have security access to RAD – HRS Sick Leave Balance Upload. If you are interested in getting access, visit the System Security website, under the Helpful Sites section on this website, and complete the Operator Authorization Request form and the Leave Balance Upload Authorization form. Submission of both forms is required. For security assistance, send an email to
Below you will find the template and manual used for uploading balances. The instructions on completing both the security form and authorization form are also provided.
> Leave Balance Excel Template
Use this template to enter the data that will be uploaded to RAD and interfaced with HRS.
> Sick and Vacation Leave Balance Upload Manual for Functional Users
This manual provides information on the HRS Sick Leave Balance Upload feature. District will learn how to populate the Excel template; access and operate a RAD session to either validate or upload the template; and become familiar with how the upload impacts HRS.
> Instructions on Completing the Operator Authorization Request Form for Leave Balance
These are instructions on how to complete the security form to get access to the HRS Sick Leave Balance Upload in RAD and/or to the Leave Accounts Balances Screen (031) in Function 01 and 04 in HRS.
Mass changes are performed to quickly change large amounts of data in the Human Resource System (HRS). It is an automated method for entering new data or revising existing data to fields on the Employee Data Base (EDB). If local educational agencies are interested in having a mass change done, complete the Mass Change Request form below. An above baseline charge may be applicable.
NOTE: This service is different than the salary and stipend mass changes performed by the local educational agencies using Function 11 in HRS.
For more information, contact SFS Employee Services at (562) 922-6274 or via email at
Use this form to request a mass change.
> Mass Change Request form - Instructions
These are the instructions used to complete the Mass Change Request form.
Mass Retro is a process that gives retroactive pay increases to employees. It is a cooperative effort between the local educational agencies (LEA) and functional areas within School Financial Services. It requires adherence to established procedure and timelines. If your LEA is interesting in generating a mass retro, complete the Mass Retro Generation Request form and submit it to
HRS Mass Retro Generation Request Form
HCM Mass Retro Generation Request Form
Use this form to request a mass change.