About the Symposium

The Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) and philanthropic partner, Greater Los Angeles Education Foundation (GLAEF), host the annual Green Schools Symposium: a leadership event delving into the crucial intersection of environmental and human sustainability in education. It is an opportunity to connect and collaborate with like-minded individuals who are passionate about creating sustainable and eco-friendly learning environments, be inspired by engaging and interactive sessions, discover innovative strategies, build resilience in our communities and more.

The one-day, in-person event takes place in Los Angeles County, annually in the Spring. Sign up for our mailing list for more information.

Registration Link (not available till early 2025)

Why Attend?

  • Inspiring and Engaging Workshops and Interactive Sessions
  • Discover Innovative Strategies
  • Collaborate and Network with Peers
  • Build Resilience


Who Attends?

The Green Schools Symposium is attended by leaders in the education field, from school districts and charter schools to vendors that support education, some of whom include:

  • School Board Members
  • Superintendents
  • Chief Business Officials
  • Facility, Maintenance and Operations Director and Managers
  • Sustainability / Energy Managers
  • Green Teams
  • Science Teachers


Group photo of Green Symposium attendees
Wiseburn building


Here is the miro board for the 2024 event. It's an overview of the day, links to all the references resources, survey, photos, etc and people can add to it. https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVKK3GMUY=/


LACOE’s Green Schools Symposium 2022 Main Session and Keynote

In this K-12 Environmental Sustainability event, Meteor Education’s Bill Latham talks about the effects of COVID trauma on children and how taking learning outside has a positive neuroscience impact.  KYA’s Tony Leyds also gives a brief presentation on how you can influence how you are perceived in the first “Sixteen Seconds”.

LACOE’s Green Schools Symposium 2022 Campus Breakout Session

Meteor Education’s Bryan Wimmer, Schneider Electric’s Marc Starkey and Conejo USD’s Thousand Oaks High School teacher Heather Farrell talk about high and low end options for outdoor learning structures from the viewpoint of a Facilities person.

LACOE’s Green Schools Symposium 2022 Community and Culture Breakout Session

Los Angeles Unified’s Victor Luna and Mark Hovatter highlight a community health center located on the campus of an existing high school and other elements of environmental sustainability that they are infusing onto all school campuses in the district.

LACOE’s Green Schools Symposium 2022 Curriculum Breakout Session

Meteor Education’s Becky Baylor and Lesley Lindell and LACOE’s Shaun Hawke take outdoor learning from theory to practice, giving practical tips for quickly  implementing outdoor learning now.

LACOE’s Green Schools Symposium 2022 Questions to Keynote Speaker Bill Latham

Meteor Education’s Bill Latham answers questions and interacts with attendees post-event.