LACOE's Center for District Capacity Building (CDCB) helps local districts and schools meet the needs of each student they serve, with a focus on building capacity to sustain improvement and effectively address disparities in opportunities and outcomes. The CDCB offers professional development, training, resources and evidence-based support. Learn more and access support via the CDCB webpage.

The Caifornia School Dashboard evaluates schools across multiple performance indicators and identifies schools and districts that benefit from targeted support and assistance from their county office of education. LACOE's differentiated assistance teams strive to help districts build capacity, foster collaboration and identify areas where systems can be strengthened.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires state educational agencies to determine school eligibility for comprehensive support and improvement (CSI). Local educational agencies (LEAs) with schools that meet the criteria for CSI must collaborate with educational partners to locally develop and implement a plan to improve student outcomes. LACOE supports districts gain understanding of ESSA CIS and align their LCAP to their SPSA throght systems thinking and Improvement Science.
Successful school-family partnerships raise student achievement, improve wellbeing and enhance local communities. LACOE's trainings and communities of practice offer networking opportunities for learning and growth as districts develop their individualized approach to this work.
Center for District Capacity Building
(562) 922-6333
Wendy Foy
Division Secretary
Marie Dacumos, Ed.D
Coordinator III
Shin Park
Coordinator III
(562) 922-8848
Chanel Young-Connell, Ed.D.
Project Director III
(562) 401-5411
Kelly Castillo, Ed.D.
Coordinator III
(562) 922-6884
Sunghie Okino, Ed.D.
Coordinator III
(562) 922-6882
Patty Poppe, Ph.D.
Coordinator III
(562) 803-8501