Accepting Donations for Student Support Services Annual "Stuff the Bus" Drive Beginning Aug. 1
Wed Jul 24 10:24:00 PDT 2024
Donate supplies now to help our students who are experiencing homelessness.
Student Support Services Annual "Stuff the Bus" event is here. Join our Homeless Education Program (HEP) stuff buses with much needed school supplies for students across L.A. County who are experiencing homelessness.
Donations can be dropped off in Stuff the Bus boxes located in LACOE lobbies from Thursday, Aug. 1 until Friday, Sept. 6, 2024.
Last year's Stuff the Buss efforts provided a wide array of essential items including backpacks, arts and crafts, toys, socks, puzzles and more. In collaboration with Baby2Baby, HEP distributed over 2,100 lap desks, 5,000 Elementary backpack supply kits, 7,500 Junior high backpack supply kits and 7,500 young adult hygiene kits. Over 105 local educational agencies across L.A. County benefited from this drive.
You can help us achieve and surpass these numbers again this year!
About HEP
LACOE's HEP provides assistance to school district and charter schools as they serve and support their student experiencing homelessness. LACOE HEP works to help district and charter maintain compliance with the McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act, an integral part of the Every Student Succeeds Act. LACOE HEP focused on ensuring that student experiencing homeless are enrolled, attending school, and thriving during their academic experience.
For more information on resources for students and families experiencing homelessness, visit