Academic Bowl Focuses on Peace and Unity

Thu Jun 20 09:29:00 PDT 2024

The Academic Bowl not only celebrated the students' academic and creative achievements but also underscored the power of unity and the pursuit of peace.

In an inspiring display of creativity and dedication, justice-involved students from four different camps came together to participate in an Academic Bowl themed around peace and unity. The event highlighted the students' talents and their commitment to fostering a more harmonious society.

First Place: The Champs from Camp Paige

Taking the top spot, "The Champs" from Camp Paige created a unique peace basket, filled with items representing what peace means to them. For instance, one student included a photo frame to signify the importance of family, encouraging others to cherish family moments. Another student, associating peace with spirituality, added candles to symbolize the tranquility of going to church. A third student, finding solace in solitary drives and music, contributed speakers, while another, who enjoys running and listening to music in nature, added earphones to the basket. The basket was donated as a raffle prize to the audience.

The Champs also hosted a mock live podcast, tackling crucial issues such as gang culture, violence, unemployment, and poverty. They discussed the importance of guiding youth towards positive paths, advocating for increased funding for arts and after-school programs to provide better opportunities and support for at-risk children.

Second Place: The Peace Makers from Camp Afflerbaugh

"The Peace Makers" from Camp Afflerbaugh earned second place with their heartfelt creation of a peace and unity quilt. The students selected fabrics, cut squares, and designed symbols that represented peace and unity. The quilt also featured the names of renowned peacemakers. Their presentation included a moving speech on the importance of peace and unity, culminating in a pledge where the audience stood and shook hands with their neighbors as a gesture of solidarity.

Third Place: Generational Peace from Camp Rockey

"Generational Peace" from Camp Rockey took third place with their multimedia presentation. They produced a video showcasing music, photos, and quotes from influential peacemakers and activists such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Cesar Chavez, Abraham Lincoln, and Danny Trejo. They also performed a mock Peace and Unity conference, dressing up as these historical figures to discuss global issues like political strife, segregation, apartheid, poverty, women's rights, and nonviolent protest. The performance ended with a symbolic signing of an agreement advocating for better wages for migrant workers, equal rights for women, job creation, free education, and universal equality.

Fourth Place: The Rams from Camp Dorothy Kirby

Finishing in fourth place, "The Rams" from Camp Dorothy Kirby showcased their passion for environmental stewardship through a video about their garden at Camp Kirby. The video highlighted the plants they nurtured and how the garden serves as a community-building space. Their presentation also addressed the impact of climate change, underscoring the importance of taking care of the environment as a form of peace.

Additional Highlights

The event featured a super quiz segment, where both students and audience members tested their knowledge on a variety of topics. Dr. Debra Duardo kicked off the event with an encouraging speech, commending the students and coaches for their hard work and dedication, and inspiring them to continue striving for excellence.

The Academic Bowl not only celebrated the students' academic and creative achievements but also underscored the power of unity and the pursuit of peace, offering a hopeful vision for the future.