LA County Schools Get Big Boost to Implement Community Schools
Tue May 30 11:52:00 PDT 2023
State Superintendent Thurmond announces $750M in Community Schools grants; L.A. County leads with 31% LEA grantees, embracing holistic student support.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond recently announced $750 million dollars in Community Schools Implementation grants, awarded across the state through the California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP).
Los Angeles County represents over 31% of the LEA grantees in this cohort of CCSPP awardees, including:
31 LEAs were awarded Planning grants in Cohort 2
63 LEAs have been awarded with the CCSPP Planning grant in Los Angeles County for Cohorts 1 and 2
175 school sites were awarded Implementation grants in Cohort 2 (almost a third of all awards statewide)
With Cohorts 1 and 2, there are now a total of 308 schools, in 245 LEAs in Los Angeles County who have been awarded Implementation grants
The full list of Cohort 2 planning grants can be found under Item 4 on the November 2022 SBE Agenda, and Implementation grants can be found under Item 9 on the May 2023 SBE Agenda.
The State Board of Education, Legislature, the Governor, and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction have prioritized community schools as a key pandemic recovery strategy and have invested $4.1 billion over the next several years to expand the CCSPP.
Community Schools use a whole child approach, with an integrated focus on academics, health and social services, youth and community development, and community engagement to support all students.
As one of eight CCSPP Regional Transformational Assistance Centers across the state, the Los Angeles County Office of Education, in partnership with The L.A. Trust for Children’s Health and the UCLA Center for the Transformation of Schools, will be offering resources and support as schools continue to champion students through the implementation of community schools. In the upcoming 2023-24 school year, LACOE looks forward to offering communities of practice, professional development opportunities and learning site visits to meet the interest and needs of LEAs.