While LACOE serves approximately 80 school districts in Los Angeles County and approves their district LCAPs, LACOE is also a discrete district with its own Special Programs Support and Transformation and Educational Programs LCAP. Our LCAP highlights programs and services offered to students in County Community Schools, Specialized High Schools and Juvenile Court Schools.
Comments and suggestions on the implementation of the 2024-2025 LCAP and the development of the 2024-2025 LCAP should be sent to Dr. Diana Velasquez at velasquez_diana@lacoe.edu with the subject heading "LCAP Commentary."
California's approach to funding public schools, the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), was adopted in 2013. Designed to streamline the system, it gives school districts more flexibility in how to spend their resouces to promote student achievement. Under LFCC, all local education agencies are funded using the same formula. It begins with a base amount per student that is adjusted for grade level and demographics. It also eliminates most of the restrictions on the use of funds for categorical programs.
NOTE: This webpage provide information regarding the LCAP process for LACOE's schools. If you are looking for information regarding how LACOE supports Los Angeles County school districts develop and submit their LCAPs, please click here to navigate to the LCAP and State & Federal Program resources.

Throughout the development of our Educational Programs LCAP, we have involved stakeholders at all steps in the process, and we have presented this process along with the LCAP document to various stakeholders, including staff, families, the community and the Board. The materials below allow our stakeholders, and the public at large, to access documents, presentations, and important resources regarding the development and ongoing implementation of our LCAP.
The process of implementing the current LCAP is a collaborative effort among LCAP stakeholders. These collaborations can happen in various ways, including meetings, surveys, presentations and discussions. A tentative calendar of upcoming meetings along with notes from those meetings, are posted here as well as official responses to stakeholder comments and questions.
Family engagement is key to the success of students served by LACOE and we are committed to increasing parent involvement across all school sites. The resources below include publications and tools designed to support and increase meaningful family engagement in non-traditional school settings.