LACOE has created a data file to assist client-districts with the State Controller's Office (SCO) Compensation Data Requirements.
In order to get access to the data file, districts must have access to LACOE’s Reports And Data (RAD) – Government Compensation Requirement. Districts should review all data and enter district information before submitting the data file.
If you have any questions on the SCO requirements, due date or the template, please click on the following link:

The report is due on May 1, 2015 for K-12 districts and June 1, 2015 for community college districts.
- Each district is unique in the way it conducts its business and processes. In order to allow for this flexibility, some fields in HRS are not standardized.
- Some of the data requested by the SCO are not stored in HRS. In this case, districts will need to compile the information from the district’s own records.
For technical assistance, please contact Erwin Labasan at (562) 922-6339 or
- For payroll related inquiries, please contact April Reynolds at (562) 922-6471 or
- For personnel and benefits inquiries, please contact Laura Gutierrez at (562) 922-6471 or
Missing Work-Location-Name data can be attributed to the following condition(s):
- 1 - SSN not found
- 2 - No JOBS found
- 3 - No PRIME JOB
- 4 - WORK LOCATION not found
- 5 - JOB CLASS not found
- 6 - No warrants found
- 7 - GROSS totals equal to zero (0)
The data appearing on Columns P through AM on the spreadsheet are not required by the SCO. LACOE is providing the additional information to assist LEAs compile the information for input to the SCO template entry form. Employee names have been included in this year’s file.
The SCO website:
The Minimum and Maximum Annual Salaries cannot be provided because salary schedules currently in HRS may not support rates paid at the time of earnings.
Districts can use the lowest salary for teachers on the schedule as the low and the absolute highest as the high for all teachers. The district should be able to input this data into one teacher’s line item and then replicate for all teachers.
Please email Yesenia Requena, HRS Operations Unit, at to request a copy of the salary tables. This is an Ad Hoc Report and is available free of charge. On the email, indicate which of the following report(s) you are requesting.
- [GR001 1011] – Certificated Salary Tables
- [GR001 1012] – Classified Salary Tables
Other-Pay is already included in Total-Regular-Pay.
The information for the data file was compiled from the HRS databases captured on December 31, 2014. HRS production databases contain current information.
For questions or technical assistance regarding the GCC report template and/or the file submission procedure, please contact the State Controller’s Office at: or (916) 445-5153.
SCO Data File contacts:
April Reynolds
Laura Gutierrez
Technical Assistance:
SFS Security