National Homeless Youth Awareness Month, observed every November, is a critical opportunity to address the alarming issue of children and youth homelessness in the United States. This campaign aims to raise awareness about the challenges faced by homeless youth, children and their families and to promote actions that can make a difference in
their lives.

In schools, the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act ensures educational rights and protections for children and youth experiencing homelessness. To learn more, visit our Homeless Education webpage.  Additionally, the California Department of Education Homeless Education Technical Assistance Center has a website that highlights resources for National Homeless Youth Awareness Month and resources can be found here: National Homeless Youth Awareness Month (NHYAM) Toolkit - California Homeless Education and Technical Assistance Center

November also is National Runaway Prevention Month, which is designed to spotlight the experiences of youth who have run away and youth who have experienced homelessness that too often remain invisible. 

Education can play an important role in preventing and ending homelessness among young people. Below are additional resources to help you be part of bringing attention to this important issue.